Thursday, August 13, 2020

N291DR 1.9 Solo flight to KCVH

 Solo flight to keep my skills up and have fun and try out Airball in stalls. 6 landings.

Right turnout departure from rwy 31R at KRHV, flew South down the valley and eventually made it to 5,500'. It was a bit bumpy. Did a bunch of slow flight and stalls, and verified that the bumps made me stall a bit wing-low to one side or the other; not really a wing drop but enough to require picking up the wing with a tiny bit of rudder. No big deal.

I tried a steep turn test maneuver and got within 30' or so on exit, so I considered myself done and pressed on.

My next step was to try to go to Frasier Lake and do some landings. But the runway was covered with geese, so I went around and skipped off to Hollister.

I set up for left pattern Rwy 24, which the wind was favoring at the time. I did a bunch of landings and kept flaring high for some silly reason. Oh well.

On the way back I flew over the valley again and took in the scenery, and did a pretty good landing at KRHV, not flaring low, touching down just past the threshold at low speed. I was like, so what was up with that?? Probably the fact that I used full flaps at KRHV whereas, at KCVH, it was bumpy so I kept my speed up and did no-flap landings.

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