Monday, May 30, 2022

N291DR 0.7 Quick Airball data gathering flight

Data gathering flight with Airball probe. Took off from KRHV, flew East of San Jose, and came back to land. 1 landing.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

N291DR 2.0 Flight to KMRY to meet Randy and Michele Schlitter

Flew KRHV KMRY and met with Randy and Michele Schlitter. Flew with Randy from KMRY to CA66, where we got to hang out with Craig Calfee. Flew back to KRHV. 3 landings today.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

N291DR 1.6 Flight with backcountry pilot Melissa

Flew around with a backcountry pilot from our airport (coincidentally with the same name as my wife). We intended to land at Frasier Lake, but the wind was blowing strongly straight across the runway so I waved off. We landed at Hollister instead. We checked out a couple Stearmans then came back along the West side of the Coyote Valley, did a lap around the Calero Reservoir, then cut across and made back for KRHV. 2 landings total.