Monday, July 27, 2020

N291DR 1.6 Solo flight to Byron for some landings

Evening flight for fun and practice. 4 landings at Byron (C83), then 1 landing back at KRHV.

I flew off to Byron where the winds were favoring Rwy 23 and there was nobody else there. Winds were approximately 15G20 down the runway. My first attempt at landing seemed shaky. My next 4 ones all worked out pretty okay, with a little bit of high flare every now and again but not too much trouble. The main thing I needed to work on was keeping my patterns squared off. I really had to pay attention to keep my crosswinds from not getting sloppy, and even though I was trying to do power-off 180s, I always had to add a burst of power at the end because I mis-judged the wind.

Back at KRHV, the wind was about 9 down the runway. I did a short approach and I *could* have made it to the threshold, but I cut the corner a bit too much and I did not want to be blowing over the mall in a sideslip at low altitude, nor did I want to slow down too much, so I ended up getting off at taxiway C rather than my usual B.

Overall, decent work, but need more practice cleaning up my patterns and nailing my touchdown point in various wind situations.

The scenery to and from Byron was super pretty, with the sun shining on the Bay. At some point while departing Byron, I ended up downwind of the windmills and took a bit of turbulence and got super scared, and punched it to 5,500' where I cruised comfortably. ;)

Saturday, July 4, 2020

N291DR 3.7 Bush flying trip with Aden

KRHV to Red Hills Airstrip, landing at Red Hills. Unable to camp there due to COVID, but met really nice folks! Flew to O22, landed, and found out no camping there either. Overflew a private airstrip near KCPU but did not land. Landed at KSCK for fuel. Returned and landed at KRHV. Total of 4 landings, one of which was on a backwoods dirt strip.