Thursday, October 22, 2020

N291DR 2.3 Flight over Pinnacles with Melissa

2 landings this time.

Little flight with Melissa to Pinnacles to check things out. Overflew the park at plenty of height per the legal requirements, of course, but Melissa still could get lots of neat pictures and enjoyed the scenery.

Landed at KCVH on the way back, used the bathroom, etc., then made for KRHV.

Monday, October 12, 2020

N291DR 1.7 Flight to KWVI with Aden

Flew to KWVI with Aden. Aden did much of the flying over there, and flew around the Moss Landing powerplant practicing turns around a point. Landed at KWVI, used the port-a-pottie, then returned to KRHV.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

N291DR 0.9 Solo takeoff and landings

5 takeoffs and landings, short field technique, with a 10 knot wind with a partial crosswind and lots of bumps. Started out very iffy, and ended up with decent landings, stopping gently on the ground, touching the upwind wheel first, and getting out on the first taxiway.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

N291DR 2.3 Flight to Panoche International with Aden

 Flew to "Panoche International" -- a private glider landout field a few miles South of Mercey Hot Springs -- with Aden. He flew most of the way there. Landing was uneventful if a bit bumpy. We flew back over the Panoche hills and landed at KRHV, again uneventful.